The Leadership And Organization Development Solutionist

Transforming organizations through developing strong leadership culture that drives the workforce performance.

The People Performance Way

At People Performance, we recognize every organizations and their challenges are unique.

They might look the same, but they are unique because of their organization culture, their people and how they structure themselves.

We do 3 things well to achieve our client’s desired goals:

Leadership Organization culture The People Performance Way
Leadership Organization culture The People Performance Way

The People Performance Experience

Here are feedback from our clients on their experience in our program. 

Learning Workshops We Offer

We have classified our workshops into 4 pillars. Click on the pillar that meet your needs to checkout the workshops we offer. The workshops will be customized to your organization needs.

The Leadership Iceberg

Leadership development is a highly complex journey because every leader has a different starting point and their own mental model of the world.

The Leadership Iceberg model is an easy way to make sense of the unique factors shaping a leader and what can be done to increase their effectiveness as a leader.

Leadership iceberg shows that to shape a leader's behavior we need to deal with their values and beliefs



Leaders behave in a way that make sense to them. It is a normal human wiring. At the neurological level, this sense making is a product of interaction of their emotions, values and belief. Changing a leader’s behavior requires working with them to gain greater awareness of the unconscious factors at play.


If the leader interprets the environment as hostile, it would be natural to behave in a defensive manner. If the leader interprets the environment as supportive, the leader would be more open to feedback and constructive inputs. Whether an environment is supportive or hostile is decided by the emotion in the leader. Perhaps a past bad experience have created a negative trigger in the leader and therefore even if the colleague tried to show support, the leader might still interpret it as hostile. This requires a leader to gain awareness and control of their emotion.


Emotion is the trigger to our unconscious behavior. When we are not prepared for a situation, our emotion will take over our logic processing. A key shaping factor to a leader’s emotional development is their personal values and belief. This explain why some people shy aware from conflict while others face it. Those who shy away do it because of the negative emotion that overwhelm them while those who face it because they are able to manage their emotion to view the conflict as a necessary step to being better.


Values and beliefs are both a function of nature and nurture. Our values and belief operate in our unconscious mind. It shape our perspective, world view and emotion. While values and belief is hard to change we can manage it through conscious processing and reflective learning. 

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