Leadership Development
Leadership development services we offer is divided into 2 category based on the outcome our client wants. The Leadership Workshop focuses on awareness while the Leadership Development Program focuses on behavioral change.
Leadership development is a cornerstone to strong organization culture. Click here to checkout our culture development services.

Leadership Workshop
This category’s focus is on creating awareness and equipping learners with the skills.
In Kirkpatrick evaluation model, this solution achieves Level 1 and Level 2.
The nature of products are typically 1 – 3 day workshops.
Workshop title available:
1) New Manager Workshop
2) Managers As Performance Coach
3) Performance Management Fundamentals For Managers
4) Developing Talent With Performance Challenge (PIP)
5) Delegate Effectively For Growth
6) Leading Authentically
7) Leading & Developing Talent
8) Leading & Facilitating Change
9) Leading High Performing Team
10) Supervisory Workshop
Leadership Development Program
This category’s focus in on creating behavioral change in the learners.
In Kirkpatrick evaluation model, this solution achieves Level and Level 4.
The nature of product in this category are long term. They are usually 3 – 6 months long and uses a blended learning approach.
Development program available:
1) Emerging Leaders Program
2) New Manager Program
3) Leadership Development Program
Impact Of Our Leadership Development Approach
Other Leadership Development Related Services
Apart from learning workshops, we provide other services towards your organization’s leadership development. This includes:
A) Leadership Assessment
B) Leadership Competency Development
C) 360 Leadership Feedback Survey
Leadership Development & Organization Culture
Strong leadership will create a strong organization culture only when their team actualizes their vision into reality. Checkout our other services that compliments our leadership development services.